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Showing 98 out of 98 news articles

CSN Celebrates N4G Progress Reporting

Since 2013, Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summits have catalysed global commitmentsto improve nutrition. In July 2024, all commitment-makers from the 2021 TokyoSummit were tasked to report on their progress. Click here to read our blog celebrating CSN’s progress reporting against our own N4G commitments ahead of the upcoming N4G Summit in France 2025.


Navigating The Gender Nutrition Frontier

A Personal Reflection on a Training Experience in Vietnam by Kansiime Ruth Praise As I reflect on the transformative journey through “Closing the Gender Nutrition Gap” training organized by the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network (SUN CSN) in collaboration with Vietnam Civil Society Alliance (CSA), a spectrum of experiences, insights, and cultural immersions flood […]


CSN marks 2 years on the Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit

On the 2nd anniversary of the Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit hosted in Tokyo on 7 December 2021, where USD $27 billion were pledged to reduce global malnutrition, civil society leads by example in reporting on progress.  Alexandra Newlands, Head of SUN CSN wrote a blog celebrating CSN’s progress against its own commitments with a […]


Our collective ambitions for the well-being of People and Planet: Sustainable, equitable and nourishing food systems for all

As the UN Food Systems Summit+2 Stocktaking moment united world leaders, experts, and stakeholders to confront food systems challenges, we recognized a pivotal opportunity to shape a brighter, healthier future for all. As a result of this 3-days Summit, a Call to Action for accelerated Food Systems Transformation was issued. Unfortunately, this statement fell short […]


Empowering local voices at the Micronutrient Forum 6th Global Conference: A critical role in shaping the global agenda on nutrition resilience

By Alexandra Newlands, Head of the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network & Irshad Danish, Senior Advocacy Adviser at Nutrition International, and Chair of the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network With the contributions of Tanuja Rastogi, Director of Advocacy & Communications, Micronutrient Forum At the forefront of our journey towards a healthier and more […]


Call to embed corporate accountability in the UN food systems stocktaking process

Our current food system is failing millions around the world. 828 million people go hungry every day whilst over 3 billion cannot afford a healthy diet. Moreover, food systems remain the number one transgressor of our planetary boundaries. Ongoing conflicts, extreme weather patterns and soaring food prices haven’t made it easier. Increased investments estimated around […]


Introducing the SUN CSN’s Joint Declaration: Reclaiming Our Food System

We are excited to present a groundbreaking declaration that embodies the collective efforts and unwavering commitment of the Scaling up Nutrition Civil Society Network (SUN CSN). Titled “Reclaiming Our Food System: 4 Principles to Prioritize,” this declaration sets forth a transformative vision to address the pressing challenges faced by our global food and agricultural systems. […]


National Youth Coordinators Retreat

On 24-28 April 2023, the SUN CSN team hosted an in-person retreat in Kenya to welcome the 20 newly selected National Youth Coordinators (NYCs). The purpose of the retreat was for the NYCs to meet each other and the CSN team. In addition, the retreat served to equip these young individuals with the skills and […]


Nutrition Sensitive training in the Philippines – A Tale of Experience

A photoblog by Georgine Obwana – CSA Uganda In this ever-changing world, it is necessary to keep updating yourself, your knowledge, and your intellect, to keep up with the continuous growth and development taking place. This is exactly why the one week blended international course on Enhancing Capacities on Nutrition – Sensitive programing (NSP) has […]


The Small Grants Programme Report is here!

Since 2018 SUN CSN has run a small grants programme, which invites interested & eligible CSAs and their members to apply for small grants, to implement and pilot small projects for research or innovation purposes over a 6-month period. Between 2018 – 2022 The SUN CSN Small Grants Programme has run four cycles of funding […]


We are all accountable

One year on from the Nutrition for Growth (N4G) summit, SUN CSN launches a social accountability campaign to hold stakeholders to account for promises made. The SUN Civil Society Network, along with the support of network members and global partners, want to see that the bold commitments we all made for nutrition become a reality! […]


Get to know the Global Nutrition Cluster Technical Alliance

Who is the GNC Technical Alliance? The Global Nutrition Cluster Technical Alliance exists to provide systematic, predictable, timely, cost-effective and coordinated nutrition technical assistance to help nutrition practitioners meet the nutrition rights and needs of people affected by and at risk of emergencies. We provide expert guidance, learning and training, either remotely, through providing online […]


Flooding in Pakistan: Fears for Nutrition and Food Security

Flooding in Pakistan: Fears for Nutrition and Food Security Devastating flooding in Pakistan has swept away crops and stockpiles and left large areas of farmland under water, deteriorating the precarious food and nutrition security in the country. The communities who were already living on the edge now need to cope with this sudden shock of […]


Flooding in Pakistan: Take Action

Extreme flooding in Pakistan has led to over 1500 deaths and left over one third of the country under water. As citizens struggle to find shelter, health conditions and nutrition and food security are worsening. Many of our Civil Society Network member organisations are on the ground delivering life saving support as is our national […]


Get Involved with the Latest CS Network Assembly!

Our first ever network-wide Virtual Assembly took place in May against the backdrop of ongoing global crises, which have seen food prices rise and access to adequate nutrition further diminished.  Together, CSN members discussed how communities have been impacted and what we needed to change in the global food system to mitigate the impact of […]


Training on Enhancing Capacities on Nutrition-Sensitive Programming

November 15-16th 2022 (virtual)   21 – 25th November 2022 (in-person)  IIRR Yen Center, Silang, Cavite, Philippines Application deadline: 27th September Malnutrition and hunger continue to afflict children and adults alike across the world, affecting their growth, development, and productivity. If unaddressed, undernutrition has serious short and long-term consequences for a child’s development. Access to, and […]


A new chapter for youth leadership on nutrition for the SUN CSN! 

This year, the SUN CSN Secretariat is very excited to be launching the next phase of the successful Youth Leaders for Nutrition Program, and we’re inviting all CSN Members to join us in recruiting the next generation of young change-makers on nutrition.  What does this new phase look like?  Previously, the SUN CSN has supported […]


Three things we learnt from the first Civil Society Network assembly

This week saw over 60 members of the SUN Movement’s Civil Society Network (CSN) come together from countries all around the globe in the first ever network-wide assembly to discuss experiences and solutions surrounding the current global food crisis and to create tangible advocacy demands as a network. The discussion was full of ideas and […]


The SUN CSN to host its first network-wide assembly on global crises

Summary  The Civil Society Network Secretariat (CSNS) plans to organise a series of meetings with CSN Members to come together and share experiences and perspectives on how the global commodity price increases are impacting nutrition in different contexts.  The event on May 25th will be offered as the first of an ongoing series of global […]


Ukraine conflict highlights the fragility of the global food system and will have damaging impact on nutrition of the most vulnerable, warns SUN Movement’s Civil Society Network.  

Members of the SUN Movement’s Civil Society Network are already reporting food shortages and escalation in prices due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which will have knock-on effects on the state of nutrition globally.   The Russian Federation and Ukraine are among the most important producers of agricultural commodities in the world. Organisations such as […]


Thematic Briefs: Asia Regional Coordination Group

SUN Civil Society Asia Coordination Group (ACG) was established during a CSN capacity building meeting in Indonesia to enable continued sharing of knowledge and collaboration. Currently, 13 civil society alliances, with over 1200 members, including Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Philippine, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Laos, Afghanistan, PNG and Vietnam are members of ACG and […]


Outcome Stories: Asia Regional Coordination Group

SUN Civil Society Asia Coordination Group (ACG) was established during a CSN capacity building meeting in Indonesia to enable continued sharing of knowledge and collaboration. Currently, 13 civil society alliances, with over 1200 members, including Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Philippine, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Laos, Afghanistan, PNG and Vietnam are members of ACG and […]


International Women’s Day: Women in Food Systems with Zuhra Dadgar-Shafiq

Do you feel that food systems support you as a woman? Women have a prominent role all across the value chain of the food system, for instance as farmers and food producers, merchandisers, educators, cooks, servers, and leaders of food organizations. Food systems enhance women participation and benefits they receive through improved access to resources […]


International Women’s Day: Interview with Martha Nyagaya

Are you a women working in food systems, what do you do? Yes, I am Nutrition International’s Country Director in Kenya. In this role I lead program planning, development and implementation of multisectoral nutrition programs. I also manage relations with Donors, Government of Kenya and other key local stakeholders. As the Chair of the SUN […]


International Women’s Day: Women as a change agent in ensuring food security

Women in Food Systems: A story by HKI Vietnam Bui Thi Hoai, a young Muong mother in Chi Dao commune shared that after two years of attending the Enhanced Homestead Food Production project, she has gained lots of new knowledge about nutrition and agriculture, that she never known before. Thanks to the monthly communication sessions and […]


International Women’s Day: Mother’s milk as part of the food system

I’m Linh – a breastfeeding mother. I am lucky to have a full house with two beautiful daughters in Hanoi, Viet Nam, both of whom were exclusively breastfed. I start each day happily breastfeeding my seven-month-old baby. Breast milk is the #firstfood, the perfect source of nutrition for babies in the first two years and […]


Life under the Taliban: Obstacles faced in Afghanistan

Part 4: Being a child in Afghanistan Written by Zuhra Dadgar-Shafiq, Programme Director and Co-Founder of Action for Development who provide vital health and education services in Afghanistan to the most marginalized and vulnerable individuals through cost-effective, cascade-model projects that allow for community participation and empowerment. Afghanistan has been struggling with conflict for over 40 years. The situation […]


Life under the Taliban: Obstacles faced in Afghanistan

Part 3: Rising food prices Written by Zuhra Dadgar-Shafiq, Programme Director and Co-Founder of Action for Development who provide vital health and education services in Afghanistan to the most marginalized and vulnerable individuals through cost-effective, cascade-model projects that allow for community participation and empowerment. Afghanistan has been struggling with conflict for over 40 years. The […]


The African Union Year of Nutrition

At their annual meeting in February of 2022, the African Union declared 2022 ‘The Year of Nutrition for Africa’. This is an exciting initiative as it will shine a spotlight on nutrition in Africa and push for greater political commitment on nutrition and increased investment to address the ongoing malnutrition challenges. The AU will strive […]


Life under the Taliban: Obstacles faced in Afghanistan

Part 2: Covid-19 and disease  Written by Zuhra Dadgar-Shafiq, Programme Director and Co-Founder of Action for Development who provide vital health and education services in Afghanistan to the most marginalized and vulnerable individuals through cost-effective, cascade-model projects that allow for community participation and empowerment. Afghanistan has been struggling with conflict for over 40 years. The […]


Life under the Taliban: Obstacles faced in Afghanistan

Part 1: A Harsh Winter  Written by Zuhra Dadgar-Shafiq, Programme Director and Co-Founder of Action for Development who provide vital health and education services in Afghanistan to the most marginalized and vulnerable individuals through cost-effective, cascade-model projects that allow for community participation and empowerment. Afghanistan has been struggling with conflict for over 40 years. The […]


Nutrition International launches Adolescent Nutrition and Anaemia course in Bahasa language

Jakarta, INDONESIA – Nutrition International and the Indonesian Ministry of Health launched a translated version of a free online course on adolescent nutrition and anaemia in Bahasa, the official language of Indonesia, during an event marking the Indonesian National Day of Nutrition. “Adolescents the world over are extensively impacted by malnutrition, said Sri Kusyuniati, Country […]


Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network Commitment

This week, actors across the nutrition community including representatives from governments, businesses, academics and members of civil society came together to make bold pledges towards the UN nutrition targets at the Nutrition for Growth Summit.  The Civil Society Network (CSN) is part of Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN), a world-wide Movement to end malnutrition. Our diverse […]


The Youth: Secret Ingredient for a Sustainable Food System

Food and Nutrition Youth Network (FNYN) Philippines Launched By: Rose Jade Eugenie Delgado SUN Youth Leader for Nutrition & FNYN Philippines Convenor  In the recipe of shaping a more sustainable food system, we need: a cup of policy changes by governments, a pinch of investment and innovation from businesses and the private sector, a dash of advocacy from Civil Society Organizations, a […]


The Future of Nutrition: Accountability towards 2030

Almost 10 years after the first Nutrition For Growth Summit, we are still nowhere near meeting the targets laid out for 2025. Rates of stunting, wasting and obesity are still on the rise, while fragile and conflict-affected famines have been forgotten. Add on to that a global pandemic and the exponential number of climate-related disasters, […]


Climate change takes centre stage at the UN Food Systems Summit

More than 150 countries and key stakeholders came together yesterday to commit to transforming food systems, combatting biodiversity loss and tackling global hunger.   The first ever United Nations Food Systems Summit (FSS) brought together world leaders, members of civil society, youth activists, and representatives from indigenous populations along with donors, academics, and members of the private sector […]


A SUN Movement Call to Action for Nutrition ahead of the UN Food Systems Summit 2021

A multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder approach to nutrition must be front and centre in food systems transformations *Originally published on the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement website.* The United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) in September was called for by the UN Secretary General in recognition that current food systems are failing people and the planet alike. […]


Message of solidarity with the people of Afghanistan

At the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network we are deeply concerned with the news from Afghanistan and the worrying reports of severe hunger crisis due to extreme drought. Even before the Taliban advancement, Afghanistan had one of the world’s highest rates of stunting in children under-5 years old; 40.9% are stunted and 9.5% are […]


World Breastfeeding Week: Kyrgyzstan are on a mission to protect breastfeeding

In 2019, the Ministry of Health in Kyrgyzstan created a working group to revise the Law “On the Protection of Breastfeeding”, the working group included representatives of CSA SUN Kyrgyzstan, who contributed to the development of proposals for the draft of the Law. In the same year, UNICEF arranged a visit from David Clark, a […]


World Breastfeeding Week: SUN CSA Cambodia investigators violators of the code

In Cambodia, the code for producers of breast milk substitutes was put in place in 2005. However, for the next decade there was little to no enforcement and when surveyed, only 27% of officials actually knew the details of the code. Despite widespread violations, there was no reporting and no enforcement recognition in place. To combat these […]


World Breastfeeding Week 2021: Zimbabwe changes Parliament for the better

With more women parliamentarians than ever before, it is crucial that facilities are available for women to adequately nourish their child during its first 1000 days. In Zimbabwe, Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care chairperson Dr Ruth Labode said “We now have more young female legislators in Parliament who have children and are breastfeeding.” It […]


5 things we learnt from the 2020 Civil Society Annual Survey

Our membership is huge! With civil society presence in nearly 50 countries, we always knew we were a large network. But after gathering the data from this year’s Annual Survey we have discovered that we have an incredible 4212 member organisations in the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network (SUN CSN)!1 This number has increased […]


ADN Juvenil Perú trabaja en procesos de incidencia a favor de la Nutrición en 8 regiones del país

Líderes de colectivos de jóvenes de 8 regiones del país formaron la plataforma ADN Juvenil Perú que busca contribuir en la lucha contra todas las formas de malnutrición colocando el tema en la agenda de las autoridades regionales. Para ello desarrollan acciones de activismo e incidencia política como vigilancia colaborativa, seguimiento del presupuesto público destinado […]


The SUN Civil Society Network launches its new 5-year strategy!

Why do we need a new CSN strategy? The Civil Society Network 3.0 strategy (2021-2025) constitutes an essential guide to rally all civil society members’ collective efforts behind a strong mission and vision. The CSN 3.0 strategy was designed for the Network by the Network, in alignment with the overall SUN Movement 3.0 strategy. As such, the […]


SUN PfSl: International Women’s Day Program – 2021

International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8th of March every year. As an organization that works for the improvement of the nutritional status of the community, SUN PF also joins with various programs for Women’s Day every year. This is primarily because proper nutrition of women contributes to the nutritional wellbeing of the entire population […]


Meet the women of the CSN: Dilka Rashmi Peiris

 Project Director Scaling Up Nutrition People’s Forum, former SUN CSA focal person for Sri Lanka My work in nutrition I was really drawn to nutrition as it has a multi-sectoral approach. Women play a key role in implementing nutrition policies, both in the family and in society as a whole, and contributing to the health and […]


Meet the Women of the CSN: Paula Escobar Gutiérrez

Directora ejecutiva, Fundación Éxito, Colombia Mi trabajo en nutrición Ponemos a disposición de la red de de la Sociedad Civil de América Latina y el Caribe nuestra experiencia y conocimientos en el campo de la nutrición infantil y la búsqueda de soluciones integrales para la primera infancia con mayor vulnerabilidad en Colombia, a través de […]


Meet the women of the CSN: Anayat Sidhu

Youth Leader for Nutrition, Canada My work in nutrition I cannot overemphasize enough my enthusiasm for being a part of the YL4N program. To be able to engage with individuals that I greatly admire every day is a true honour. Additionally, the chance to learn from others is what I highly value. To be able […]


Meet the women of the CSN: Duong Vu

Duong Vu, Vietnam Program Manager for Alive and Thrive (A&T) My work in nutrition I am Duong Vu. I work at Alive & Thrive Southeast Asia. As a core member of SUN CSN Vietnam, I supported the strategy development and policy advocacy. There are two recent policy wins that we all are very proud of. […]


Meet the women of the CSN: Georgine Obwana

Program Officer, Civil Society Alliance for Nutrition Uganda (CISANU) My work in nutrition First of all I am the Program Officer – Networking and Institutional Development for Civil Society Alliance for Nutrition Uganda (CISANU).  CISANU is the Civil Society Alliance (CSA) in Uganda formed through a coalition of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and academia. Under […]


Meet the women of the CSN: Victoria Squire

Former National Coordinator, Civil Society Platform Sierra Leone. My work in nutrition I am Victoria Squire, a Seasoned Integrated development project manager, expert facilitator, change agent and accomplished leader with a solid 8 years’ experience managing nutrition and health projects including during emergencies and in the development phase.  I am also knowledgeable about Scaling Up […]


Meet the women of the CSN: Carmen Torres

Programme Development Manager Sustainable Food, Hivos Latin America San José, Costa Rica My work in nutrition I am part of the SUN Movement Civil Society Network (CSN) in Latin America and the Caribbean. I have been actively involved in developing the CSN in Costa Rica and I am one of the SUN CSN regional coordinators […]


Meet the women of the CSN: Jane Napais Lankisa

Youth Leader for Nutrition, Kenya My work in nutrition I am a global youth leader for nutrition under the SUN youth leaders program.  My work revolves around nutrition advocacy with a specific interest in adolescent nutrition. Based in Kenya, I champion for optimum nutrition among young people and children by extension. My passion for nutrition […]


Meet the women of the CSN: Funmi Akinyele, Ph.D.

Chief Executive Officer, Food Basket Foundation International (FBFI) My work in nutrition My father, late Professor Isaac Olaolu Akinyele, was the founding Chairman of the Nigerian CSA, the Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition in Nigeria (CS-SUNN) when it was unofficially established in 2013. Unfortunately, he died shortly after that in February 2014. After I returned […]


Meet the women of the CSN: Florence Sibomana

Youth Leader for Nutrition, Rwanda My work in nutrition I am a Youth Leader for Nutrition from Rwanda and I initiated the Youth Powered Nutrition project which aims at equipping young people with knowledge and skills on nutrition advocacy to ensure behaviour change towards healthy lifestyles. I decided to work in the nutrition sphere because […]


Meet the women of the CSN: Emilita Monville Oro

Acting Asia Regional Director and concurrent Country Director for Philippines International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) My work in nutrition I got engaged with the SUN Movement through involvement of the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), as one of the founding members of PHILCAN, Philippine Coalition of Advocates for Nutrition Security, Inc. Subsequently, PHILCAN […]


Meet the women of the CSN: Victorine Edson ANJARASOA

TAMAFA coordinatrice, Madagascar Je suis coordinatrice de l’association TAMAFA depuis 2003 jusqu’à ce jour. Je suis décidée à travailler sur la nutrition car il y a beaucoup d’enfants victime de la malnutrition chez nous à Madagascar, région Toliara. Stratégie pour élever les femmes au rang de leadership: il faut les responsabiliser et leur apprendre la […]


Meet the women of the CSN: Beatrice Eluaka

Coordinator of CSS+UNN, Nigeria My work in nutrition I am Lead for the Scaling Up Nutrition’s programming in Nigeria. I perform Country Office Oversight, Country Program Development, Country project /program implementation and Country Program Representation whilst contributing to strategic and operational development and delivery of programs in line with the SUN CSN mandate, strategy and […]


Meet the women of the CSN: Jane Whyte

Senior MEAL Officer, Nigeria My work in nutrition My name is Jayne Whyte and I work with the Civil Society Alliance in Nigeria as a Senior MEAL Officer. I think women’s nutrition and the role women play in scaling up nutrition is particularly important to me because women and girls are at the heart of development. […]


Prioritising Youth Voices During the Year of Action for Nutrition for Growth

2021: A year overflowing with opportunities   It’s 2021, and although very little may have changed so far in comparison to 2020 (come on, vaccines!), there has already been a huge shift: it is now officially the Year of Action for Nutrition.   Last year, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in devastating losses to the decades of progress on […]



MODERADORA: Carolina Turriago Las recomendaciones y reflexiones recibidas de los panelistas para tener en cuenta en los ejercicios de incidencia de la sociedad civil son: Es clave la incidencia a más alto nivel (presidentes y equipos de gobierno). Ello tiene mayor impacto, pues los países tienen múltiples prioridades, y que los mandatarios tengan compromiso y […]



Intercambio Virtual de Aprendizaje “Escuchando la Voz de la Red de la Sociedad Civil de Latinoamérica y el Caribe” ¡Regístrese para el evento de aprendizaje y bloquee su calendario! La Red de la Sociedad Civil de Latinoamérica y el Caribe del Movimiento SUN estará desarrollando un intercambio de aprendizaje muy innovador sobre experiencias exitosas implementadas […]


Know It, Be It, Do It

Virtual Learning Exchange “Listening to the Voice of the Latin American and Caribbean Civil Society Network” Sign up for the learning event and block your calendar! The Latin American and Caribbean SUN Civil Society Regional Group is organizing an innovative virtual learning exchange building on successful experiences on advocacy and multi-stakeholders and multi-sectorial nutrition coordination. […]



By Alison Farnham MA, MMedSci, Nutritionist and SUN Pooled Fund Project Consultant, Action for Development Background Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world. Since the Soviet invasion in 1979, the country has suffered through more than four decades of conflicts that have taken an incalculable toll on the country’s economic infrastructure and […]


Climate Change and Nutrition: The Reciprocal Impact

The SUN (Scaling Up Nutrition) Movement is made up of the most important and influential figures in the nutrition world. We are all focussed, dedicated, and driven by the idea of a world free from malnutrition in all its forms. The conversation about poverty and malnutrition has moved on since Bono and Bob Geldof wanted to ‘Feed the World’ and […]


8 things we learnt from Keeping Up with YL4N for World Food Day

“You have the platform, we have the voice. Together we can make a difference”Bormey Chhun, Youth Leader for Nutrition Cambodia Last week’s World Food Day also marked the inaugural youth-led webinar from the SUN CSN Youth Leaders for Nutrition. The event was organised in the same spirit that embodies the Youth Leaders for Nutrition programme […]


MEAL & SUS Grants: Bottlenecks analysis of the institutionalization of National Food Security and Nutrition strategy and strengthening capacity of CSAs members on MEAL and Sustainability

Every year, as part of the CSN small grant competition, we offer CSAs the chance to win a grant in order to foster and stimulate innovation and learning within the network. These MEAL & SUS grants are designed to focus on monitoring, evaluation and learning in order to create sustainable and long lasting work. This […]


Nutrition Can’t Wait: Setting the agenda for adolescent nutrition in the context of COVID-19 and beyond.

Written by Irshad Danish and Jigyasa Nawani from Nutrition International, this blog talks about their previous Adolescent Nutrition webinar and what came out of it. You can read the full piece here > “While adolescents form one-sixth of the world’s population, adolescent nutrition remains an underrated agenda in most countries. With the COVID-19 pandemic interrupting most health and […]


Joint INGO Statement on Yemen 14th September

Joint INGO Statement on Yemen – 75th session of the UN General Assembly September 2020 We are now sleepwalking towards a seventh year of war, and the people of Yemen can only surmise that the world has forgotten them. The UN Secretary General called in March for a global ceasefire tied to the COVID-19 pandemic, […]


COVID-19 impacting the health and wellbeing of children and families in Zimbabwe

The outbreak of COVID-19 in Zimbabwe is having drastic consequences to the health and wellbeing of children and their families in both urban and rural communities. Infants, children, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers are facing significant risks to their nutritional status and well-being especially in contexts where access to essential health and nutrition services and […]


The COVID-19 Menace and its impact on nutrition.

 BY JANE NAPAIS (YOUTH ADVOCATE FOR NUTRITION IN KENYA) It’s unfortunate how situations can change in a blink of an eye. Covid-19 has significantly affected service delivery globally, especially in the field of nutrition. Based on the Global Report on Food Crises 2020, it is projected that the pandemic may add as many as 132 […]


Nutrition Can’t Wait: Asia Coordination Group Launch Advocacy Campaign

By: Irshad Danish, Nutrition International and Alison Farnham MA, MMedSci, Action for Development Background Nutrition Can’t Wait – The COVID-19 pandemic is a health and human crisis threatening the food security and nutrition of millions of people around the world. Low and lower middle-income countries are more affected. Their existing poor development indicators and fragile […]


Hunger crisis beckons as Covid-19 causes food prices to soar in Afghanistan

Covid-19 means hunger to Afghans as more than 50% of the population live below the poverty line. Although the country is officially in lock down, many people are forced to choose between staying home hungry or venturing outside to find work, risking infection.   Initially, food prices soared up to 70% for common staples largely because […]


Hunger is real, staying home is not so real.

Daniel Ishaku’s COVID-19 story Daniel Ishaku is 16 years old and lives with six of his siblings in a one-bedroom house in an urban slum called Kapwa in Nigeria. Daniel lost his father when he was 4 years old, and his unschooled mother became the primary caregiver. In order to sustain and provide for her […]


Asia Regional Group unites – all for one, one for all!

Blog by May Thukha Soe, Co Chair of SUN CSA Myanmar. “This July, Civil Society Alliances (CSAs) across the Asia region – Bangladesh, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Indonesia, Myanmar, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, and Philippines – gathered in the beautiful city of Kathmandu, Nepal for the SUN Civil Society Network Asia Learning Exchange. “ The objective of the […]


Lessons from civil society resilience as we face COVID-19

“Adapt, Improvise, Overcome – the human spirit will always survive” These are the words of advice a colleague who worked in Ebola affected areas sent to me at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. I expected something much more technical and practical. He is right of course. At a certain point, it’s the spirit and […]


Youth Leaders for Nutrition: Getting to know Maxwell and Florence

A couple of weeks ago two of our Youth Leaders for Nutrition, Florence Sibomana and Maxwell Mumba, from Rwanda and Zambia respectively, got their first taste of London. As well as developing a newfound love of Caribbean food, the two Youth Leaders for Nutrition certainly made their mark on the capital. They had audiences with […]


What I’ve learnt from SUN nutrition champions

The SUN CSN Secretariat, along with our West and Central African nutrition champions, Action Contre La Faim, and representatives of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, have been working hard over the past few months to make sure that our West and Central Africa regional workshop is a resounding success. We are currently in Abidjan facilitating a three-day […]


13 reasons to be cheerful in 2019

In the UK, 2018 all went a bit Pete Tong. The government said “Thank u, next” to a whole host of Cabinet members. Some of us panicked about the lack of C with our KF. And after hopes were raised, English football fans found it wasn’t coming home after all. Then when I came back […]


They came, they saw, they conquered: Global Youth Leaders for Nutrition

TUESDAY 6 NOVEMBER 2018 The Global Youth Leaders for Nutrition programme, round 2, took place in Rome last week. Four young people boarded their first-ever international flights and headed for the ‘Leave No One Behind – Making the Case for Adolescent Girls’ conference. The event, hosted by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Canadian […]


World Food Day: why young people are leading the way to #zerohunger

Today, World Food Day, we’re celebrating the crucial role young people are playing in tackling malnutrition. This blog post is by Florence Sibomana, a medical student from Rwanda and member of the Youth Leaders for Nutrition programme 2018. She has a passion for global health and social justice. In July Florence was selected to attend an advocacy […]


What makes a great leader?

Keep reading and you’ll find out right here… Last week I was in Washington D.C. for the kick-off of our Youth Leaders for Nutrition Programme. This is a 3-year programme that aims to empower young people, primarily from countries with high rates of malnutrition, to become leaders in the campaign to end malnutrition. The programme, […]


A global gathering to tackle malnutrition: what we learned

At the start of November, the Ivory Coast government hosted the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Global Gathering. The Scaling Up Nutrition Movement was established in response to the growing recognition of the problem of undernutrition and concern that the international system was failing to deal with it effectively. The movement inspired a new way […]


Our nutrition, our future: hear young people speak out about malnutrition

Having never travelled to Asia before, I jumped at the opportunity to support the ‘Our Nutrition, Our Future’ project in Sylhet, Bangladesh. The aim of the project is to raise awareness of the importance of adolescent nutrition among policy-makers, government ministers, programme designers and donors. We carried out five workshops, focussing on child participation with […]


Submit news article

If you’re part of a SUN Civil Society Network and want to share a news article, submit it by filling in the contact form and selecting “Submit a news article” in “Reason for contact” so that we can review and publish it.