SUN Civil Society Asia Coordination Group (ACG) was established during a CSN capacity building meeting in Indonesia to enable continued sharing of knowledge and collaboration. Currently, 13 civil society alliances, with over 1200 members, including Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Philippine, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Laos, Afghanistan, PNG and Vietnam are members of ACG and other countries have also expressed their interest to join the group. The ACG provides a forum for Asia Region CSAs which contributes to increasing capacity and ability of CSAs in the Asia region to support effective implementation of national nutrition plans, through information sharing, knowledge exchange and identification of joint advocacy opportunities.
In 2021, the ACG came together to create a set of high-quality M&E and learning resources that could be used to highlight Civil Society advocacy efforts/ achievements, carry out policy advocacy and mobilize resources for implementation of ACG regional activities and for learning.
This included 22 thematic briefs on topics ranging from breastfeeding to adolescent nutrition for the whole of the CSN to benefit and learn from.
Click on each image to learn more.