The First learning exchange “Listening to the Voice of Civil Society in Latin America and the Caribbean”, of the civil society alliances that are part of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN Movement), held in December 2020 and January 2021, allowed leaders from more than 10 countries to share their successful experiences in the fight against malnutrition.
The activity, which took place on the Zoom platform, had two blocks the first was carried out on December 9, 11 and 14, 2020, with the theme “Political Impact on Nutrition”, and the second on January 13, 15 and 18, 2021,with the theme “Multi-sectoral and multi-staff work on topics in favor of nutrition”. The special guest was Malawi, a southeast African country. The meeting aimed to share countries’ successful experiences for nutrition and from there to propose regional, national and local road maps that can be developed and adapted to the particular contexts of each country, for this purpose the learning methodology adapted to “know-how” was used.
This strengthens the LAC-SUN Network, presenting successful experiences in Colombia, Malawi, Peru, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala,which were analysed in the vision of states and civil society.
The meeting was inaugurated by Marilú Martins, National Director of CARE-Peru, who stated that its realization was one of the agreements of the world meeting of the SUN Movement held in 2019 in Nepal and that due to the pandemic of the Covid-19 had to be rethought to develop in a virtual way.
Gerda Verburg, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Coordinator of the SUN Movement and Christopher Twiss, Coordinator of the SUN Movement Civil Society Network, participated in the inaugural event.
Learning session on Political Impact on Nutrition: Among the success stories presented were: “Nutrition in national and territorial development plans”, Colombia; the actions of “Incidence of presidential candidates for nutrition” of Peru and the increase of the allocation for nutrition of the National Budget by 3.7%, achieved in Malawi, these three of the first block.

Learning session in: Multisectoral and multi-actor work on topics in favor of nutrition was known the experience of “Gastronomic Laboratories”, from Costa Rica; “Propuesta País en Nutrición 2017”, by El Salvador and “National Food and Nutrition Security System – SINANSAN”, from Guatemala.

The meeting had a space that allowed public officials, civil society and the private sector to reflect on the importance of civil society for the implementation of public policies; that all participants recognize the importance of national and sub-national articulation, and that it is necessary to conclude actions with the participation of all states: State, civil society, academia, company, guilds, etc.
It also highlighted the need to recognize intercultural differences within each country as well as respect for ancestral traditions to ensure food security and healthy eating.
Francisca Gómez, Policy Specialist of the SUN Movement, added that it is necessary to identify opportunities for incidence and impact on nutrition with an emphasis on countries facing electoral processes such as Peru and Ecuador.
Cecilia Ruberto, Senior Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Advisor, Focal Point for the Regional Group of America and the Caribbean of the Civil Society Network of the SUN Movement stressed the importance of regional articulation and advocacy from the Civil Society Network
Meanwhile, Debora di Dio, Senior Advisor for Nutrition and Strategy of the SUN Movement at the United Nations and Milo Stanojevich, International Development Consultant; agreed on the need to expand these exchange spaces with the aim of strengthening the work of civil society through the analysis, debate and recognition of concrete and enforceable experiences.
The activity was organized by the Technical Team of the Nutrition Chapter of CARE Peru, member of the Alliance for Food and Nutrition Security PERUSAN, led by Paul Lucich Osorio and composed of Alcides Navarro and Fiorella Oneeglio.
We thank the more than one hundred participants from more than 10 countries and are committed to continuing discussions and collaborations in the coming months.
Our deep thanks to the rapporteurs and facilitators:
- Peru: Walter Vílchez Dávila, CENAN; Delia Haustein – PRISMA/PERUSAN; Paul Luchich, Care Peru/PERUSAN
- Guatemala: Eduardo Say PiNN/CATIE; Tobias Tzoc, INCOPAS; Martha Pacay, PiNN; Santiago Girón, FUNCAFE; Miriam Ramirez, FUNCAFE; Santiago Vicente Chanchavac Municipal Mayor of Momostenango
- Costa Rica: Roberto Azofeita, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock; Joxan Obando, Greentique Hotels; Alfredo Echevarría Fundación Costarricense de Gastronomía (FUCOVA); Carmen Torres Ledezma. Sustainable Food Program Development Manager.
- El Salvador: Ana Josefa Blanco Noyola, CALMA/NutrEs; John Aguilar Cativo, CALMA/NutrEs
- Colombia: Carolina Turriago, Success Foundation; Elisa Maria Cadena Gaona Ministry of Health; Paula Escobar, Success Foundation; Constance Jerez – ChildhoodYa
- Malawi: Gift Mtupa, Sue Ryder Foundation/CSONA; Hon Deus Gumba, Parliamentary Committee on Nutrition and HIV / AIDS – Malawi; Joseph Gausi, CSONA