This checklist for good national nutrition plans is the first of its kind. It was launched in 2016 by the UN Network for SUN and the SUN Movement Secretariat.
There is a strong consensus that harmonised support to national processes is a prerequisite for sustainable development. However, no standards or guidance has been made available to define what constitutes quality nutrition plans. Therefore leading to the development of this checklist. Designed for policymakers, based in national planning bodies and line ministries, nutrition stakeholders involved in planning processes, as well as independent reviewers. This checklist aims to assist the systematic review of existing multi-sectoral nutrition plans and other nutrition-related sectoral planning documents. In parallel, it serves as a complementary guiding tool in the development of new plans.
The checklist has been shared with the 57 SUN Countries – especially those that are embarking on new planning cycles. Additional inputs will be included in a second iteration of the Checklist planned for the end of 2018.