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Guidance note – establishing a Civil Society Alliance

This guidance note is intended to assist Civil Society Organisations, who are working to tackle malnutrition, to come together at a country level in an organised Civil Society Alliance (CSA) under the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement, therefore fully embracing the SUN principles of engagement. Such a CSA can be a new entity or based on existing relevant civil society networks or coalitions. This note will provide a road map towards establishing and/or strengthening a SUN CSA. The guidance provided in this document is based on SUN movement experiences and learnings so far.


Advocacy toolkit: implementation of the SDGS at the national level

In 2017, the SUN Civil Society Network launched a new toolkit to ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to nutrition are well-integrated in national development plans, policies, and strategies.

For the next 15 years, each country will have to make sure that national development plans, as well as all-new policies, are aligned with the SDGs. Civil society and advocates for nutrition security encourage the best policies that will achieve the optimal impact on nutritional outcomes.

This tool provides a general overview of what the SDGs are and why they are important for nutrition. It also:

>> Introduces the different steps that can be taken to influence the government’s policies and plans.
>> Provides ready-to-use key messages that can be used by advocates for dissemination. This ensures that nutrition is well-reflected in their government’s development priorities, as well as some specific messages for each SDG relevant for nutrition.
>> Presents supplementary information in annexes, including a table with additional nutrition-related targets and indicators. Alongside another table with information on the national development plans in a select group of countries.

The tool was originally developed by Action against Hunger to support advocacy teams in its mission countries. It has since been adapted for use by wider civil society.


SUN Civil Society network strategy 2016-2020

This document was developed by the SUN CSN and is the result of a network-wide consultation.

It is based on civil society contribution to the SUN Movement during SUN 2.0 (2016-2020).

Similarly, it is centred around the guidance from the SUN CSN Strategy and Sustainability Task Force (SUN CSN SSTF).

The SSTF was established in order to ensure civil society contribution to SUN visioning efforts and therefore shaping contribution to efforts in SUN 2.0.


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If you’re part of a SUN Civil Society Network and want to share a resource, submit it by filling in the contact form and selecting “Submit a resource” in “Reason for contact” so that we can review and add it to the resource library.