Civil Society Alliance for Nutrition Uganda, Ouganda
Civil Society Alliance for Nutrition Uganda (CISANU) is a professional organization legally registered in Uganda in 2017 as a non-profit organization.
CISANU has national and regional activities as an alliance of organizations working with government to create and strengthen the coordination of a Civil Society platform to champion Nutrition advocacy.
It was founded as a result of the need for a multi-stakeholder response to address the nutrition challenge in Uganda through the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement. Being part of the Global SUN - movement founded on the principle that all people have the right to food and good nutrition, CISANU has brought together multiple organizations from both nutrition sensitive, nutrition specific and Nutrition governance sectors.
The Alliance operates its activities under the vision: “A Uganda free of Malnutrition”
Mission Statement: “To cultivate and coordinate civil society efforts to fight malnutrition in Uganda through supporting the design and implementation of appropriate interventions , promotion of effective communication , advocacy, social mobilization, research and accountability”.
This makes CISANU a highly effective advocacy platform that works across multiple sectors in an effort to end malnutrition by use of various media platforms including radio and television. It engages key stakeholders such as parliamentarians and communities and participates in global conferences to highlight key nutrition issues.
CISANU ensures the voice of civil society is strong and coherent when it comes to scaling up nutrition in Uganda.
Aims of CISANU are;
- Increase research, know-how and communication output in nutrition and related health interventions.
- Provide an efficient supportive infrastructure among civil society organizations to facilitate collaborative research, training and communication in scaling up nutrition.
- Develop the capacity of civil society and media in conducting research in scaling up nutrition and related health interventions.
Country: Ouganda
Region: Afrique australe et orientale
Number of members: 13
Areas of expertise
- Advocacy
- Research
- Media training/ sensitisation
- Promoting health communication
How to join this alliance
Pour devenir membre de cette alliance, veuillez remplir le formulaire de demande d’adhésion ci-dessous et l’envoyer à :
L’alliance vous contactera et pourra vous demander de fournir des informations complémentaires.
Si vous ne recevez pas de réponse dans un délai d'un mois, veuillez transmettre le formulaire rempli et votre message original à
Afrique australe et orientale infos régionales
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Notre toute première assemblée virtuelle à l’échelle du réseau a eu lieu en mai dans le contexte des crises mondiales actuelles, qui ont vu les prix des denrées alimentaires augmenter et l’accès à une nutrition adéquate se réduire davantage. Ensemble, les membres du RSC ont discuté de la manière dont les communautés ont été touchées […]
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