Alliance de la société civile Myanmar, Birmanie
À propos
As one of the SUN Movement countries, the Myanmar SUN CSA will be a catalyst for sustained public, political and financial commitment and action to address under-nutrition in Myanmar. This will be achieved through the continued development of a strong, coordinated civil society that supports further development and wider implementation of the nutrition agenda. By expanding and sustaining an enabling political environment, prioritizing effective actions that contribute to good nutrition, implementing actions aligned with national common results framework and effectively using and significantly increasing financial resources for nutrition.
Pays: Birmanie
Région: Asie
Nombre de membres: 77
Domaines d'expertise
- Promote and support breastfeeding
- Food safety and diversity
- Nutrition-sensitive agriculture and policy
- Media and parliamentarian engagement on addressing nutrition issues
Comment rejoindre cette alliance
Pour devenir membre de cette alliance, veuillez remplir le formulaire de demande d’adhésion ci-dessous et l’envoyer à :
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Si vous ne recevez pas de réponse dans un délai d'un mois, veuillez transmettre le formulaire rempli et votre message original à [email protected].