Perù Civil Society Alliance – The Child Malnutrition Initiative (IDI), Pérou
À propos
The Child Malnutrition Initiative (IDI) is a group of civil society organisations that joined efforts in 2006 to promote public policies and concrete actions on social determinants to reduce stunting and childhood anemia.
The IDI, within the framework of the social surveillance process, presents a balance of the government's actions to reduce malnutrition and childhood anemia, and makes recommendations to achieve the national goals of reducing stunting in children under 5 to 6.4% and anemia in children from 6 months to 35 months down to 19% by 2021.
Pays: Pérou
Région: Amérique latine & Caraïbes
Nombre de membres: 22
Domaines d'expertise
- Achieve political commitment at the highest level to position stunting and anemia as a national priority. This has succeeded in three consecutive presidential elections (2006, 2011 and 2016)
- Monitor the progress of the indicators, prepare and publish annual balance reports on government performance, including recommendations
- Reduction of stunting and nutritional anemia in the areas of intervention of their projects
- Mobilization of public resources
- Capacity building for the management of effective interventions
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