Ghana SUN Civil Society Alliance, Ghana


The Ghana SUN Civil Society Alliance was founded in 2011 exactly the same year Ghana joined the SUN Movement as Early Riser Country. The Alliance was formed by our organization the Hunger Alliance of Ghana which provides the hosting supporting for the coalition. Hunger Alliance of Ghana was itself founded in 2008. The aim for the formation of the Ghana SUN Civil Society Alliance is to mobilize the technical and financial capacity of Civil Society Organizations with interest in food security, agriculture, nutrition, health, climate change, water and sanitation to support the national effort in scaling up nutrition in Ghana. This was very essential from the onset since Ghana as a SUN Country needed to constitute its multi-sectoral platform and ensure national participation at all levels for the realization of the SUN objectives. Objectives include ensuring that the CSOs working with the national SUN Movement would be able to advocate effectively as a group to demand accountability and the required commitment from Government to ensure that nutrition continue to become a key priority area of national development. The Alliance also had a key objective that was to ensure the speedy development and implementation of a national nutrition policy in Ghana with dedicated budgetary investment to accelerate the implementation of the policy and its plan of Action.

Since its inception, the Alliance has organized several conferences and workshops at national and community levels as part of its advocacy to cause the desired change in nutrition in Ghana. Over 40 conferences and workshops have been organized. The Ghana SUN CSA is also a member of the National SUN Cross Sectoral Planning Group where CSOs inputs in policy development has contributed immensely to improved nutrition outcomes in Ghana

Country: Ghana

Region: Afrique occidentale et centrale

Number of members: 30

Areas of expertise

  • Nutrition
  • Agriculture
  • Climate change
  • Water and sanitation
  • The Alliance works with national level institutions such as the National Development Planning Commission, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Gender and Social Protection, Ministry of Planning and Development Partners to make these key areas the focus agenda of Ghana's national development planning.

How to join this alliance

Pour devenir membre de cette alliance, veuillez remplir le formulaire de demande d’adhésion ci-dessous et l’envoyer à :

L’alliance vous contactera et pourra vous demander de fournir des informations complémentaires.

Si vous ne recevez pas de réponse dans un délai d'un mois, veuillez transmettre le formulaire rempli et votre message original à

Afrique occidentale et centrale infos régionales

Toutes les infos
septembre 14, 2022

Participez à la dernière assemblée du réseau CS !

Notre toute première assemblée virtuelle à l’échelle du réseau a eu lieu en mai dans le contexte des crises mondiales actuelles, qui ont vu les prix des denrées alimentaires augmenter et l’accès à une nutrition adéquate se réduire davantage.  Ensemble, les membres du RSC ont discuté de la manière dont les communautés ont été touchées […]

août 11, 2022

Un nouveau chapitre pour le leadership des jeunes en matière de nutrition pour le SUN RSC !

Cette année, le secrétariat du SUN RSC est très enthousiaste à l’idée de lancer la prochaine phase du programme réussi des jeunes leaders pour la nutrition, et nous invitons tous les membres du RSC à se joindre à nous pour recruter la prochaine génération de jeunes acteurs du changement en matière de nutrition.  À quoi […]
