Civil Society Alliance for Nutrition Nepal (CSANN), Nepal
Since it's establishment, CSANN has been working hard to place Nutrition at the centre of the development agenda, linking with and supported by the Global Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement. CSANN has encouraged the Government that to co-work with the Civil Society Network is vital to reduce hunger and malnutrition from the country and achieve SDG commitments.
To make our voice wider in the recently restructured federal system of Nepal, we are establishing Province Chapters of CSANN in all seven provinces which will be inclusive of multi sector CSOs beside district level chapters that already exist with involvement in local level advocacy for good nutrition.
Furthermore, we are continuously doing advocacy, lobbying, policy dialogue and communication with parliamentarians, political personals, MSNP stakeholders, and media and community people through the Nutrition Advocacy Fund and Pool Fund funded by SUN Secretariat.
Country: Nepal
Region: Asia
Number of members: 155
Areas of expertise
- Nutrition, health & food security with a special focus on life cycle nutrition
- Research, public hearing
- Budget and policy analysis
- Advocacy & training
- Behaviour change communication and Social Mobilization approach Education & decentralization
How to join this alliance
Para unirse a esta alianza, complete el formulario de solicitud de participación abajo y envíelo por correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección:
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Si no recibe una respuesta en el plazo de un mes, envíe el formulario cumplimentado y el correo electrónico original a
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Noticias sobre la región Asia
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