Alianza de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil por la Soberanía y Seguridad Alimentaria Nutricional, El Salvador (NUTRES), El Salvador
NUTRES contributes to the construction, execution and monitoring of proposed solutions to the problem of malnutrition, through advocacy processes, awareness-raising, coordination and articulation with the different sectors of national life.
The alliance of civil society organizations for food and nutrition sovereignty and security was created as a result of the project "mobilization of civil society to eradicate malnutrition with a comprehensive, intersectoral and gender approach". The alliance was launched in August 2014 and is currently made up of 8 civil society organizations.
The alliance has begun advocacy on important issues related to food sovereignty and security, such as the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding and also the ratification of article 69 that promotes the incorporation of the right to adequate food and to water in the constitution.
NUTRES advocates the recognition of nutrition as the national priority and advocates for the technical and financial strengthening of the entities that address the issue. It also advocates for the approval of legal frameworks in favor of nutritional food sovereignty and security, and defends the culture of breastfeeding as a natural practice.
Main Achievements (2019)
- Preparation of a proposal for presidential candidates in 2019 to position the importance of Food Security on the political agenda
- Preparation of a proposal for a Nutritional Food Security Strategy for the authorities of the new government of the Ministry of Health
- 2,135 people reached with an awareness strategy on issues of food security, climate change, breastfeeding in three municipalities
- Development of a communication strategy for social networks on Food Security and Nutrition and Breastfeeding, also including prevention of COVID-19
- Strengthening the organization and governance capacity of the Alliance: preparation of the Strategic Plan, Administrative Manual and Fundraising Strategy
Country: El Salvador
Region: América latina y el Caribe
Number of members: 8
Areas of expertise
- Policy development
- Double burden of malnutrition
- 1000 days and breastfeeding
- Right to Food
- Multi-stakeholder platform engagement
How to join this alliance
Para unirse a esta alianza, complete el formulario de solicitud de participación abajo y envíelo por correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección:
La alianza se pondrá en contacto con usted y es posible que le solicite más información.
Si no recibe una respuesta en el plazo de un mes, envíe el formulario cumplimentado y el correo electrónico original a
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